
Sunday, 29 April 2007

''LADy LaMb&Popsy''...&...''ENVY&LUst''

Hello people...I've started my new(...& yes 2 new art blogs...!)art blogs just in these days...I've already published my 3 first interviews(with Ken Garduno,Sophia Gasparian and with Matt Lock)...
...Therefore go soon....NOW!!!! visit them...OK!!!!!!
The first:''ENVY&LUst''(
...and the second:''LADy LaMb&Popsy''(

...I'll wait you there ,ok....?
...But naturally I'll continue to publish also here on ''foggyGRIZZLY''and on''The eXTra finGer''(


Claudio Parentela

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Interview with Mike Egan

q)Tell me something about yourself….What’s your background…?

a)I went to Edinboro University of Pennsylvania for four years where I studied painting and printmaking. After that I went to the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science for funeral directing and embalming.

q)When growing what was the greatest force pushing you towards art?

a)I was always drawing, I remember looking at album covers and skateboard graphics a lot.

q)Were you inspired/encouraged by any one person to pursue your craft?

a)Nobody really encouraged me to paint when I was young, but my professors in college definitely felt that I had something good going.

q)How would you describe your art to someone who could not see it?

a)I would play them a bunch of Misfits and Tom Waits songs.

q)Are certains colours,shapes that you’re drawn to?

a)I use circles and crosses a lot, and I use a lot of black and light blue together.

q)What other talent would you like most to have?

a)I would like to learn how to play the piano, I like how it can sound really creepy.

q)What’s your favourite mediums to work in/on?

a)I like to use acrylics because of their quick drying time. I paint on wood mostly, it’s nice to sand down the paint so that some of the wood is showing.

q)What artists influence or have influenced you(these need not be visual artists)and how have they done so?

a)I love the German expressionists, Max Beckman, Otto Dix and Kathe Kollwitz. They have very bold line work and their subject matter was always on the dark side.

q)What non-visual art interest you and does this have an impact on your art?

a)I need to have music on when I’m painting, it has been a great influence on my art work. Nick Cave, Tom Waits, The Ramones, etc.

q)What do you think about artists using the Internet as a forum for sharing their work?

a)I think that it’s great for artists to use the internet. I know that I would not have sold as many paintings and I would not have as many shows lined up if it weren’t for my website.

q)What is your favourite toy,game or other artefact from your youth(and do you still own it)?

a)I used to have a complete set of serial killer trading cards and they disappeared years ago. I miss them, great art work.

q)Got any new projects planned?

a)I’m getting paintings ready for a three person show in Pittsburgh and a solo show in Portland.

q)What advice can you give to other artists to help them improve their chances of survival in this global village we call our home?

a)I would say that to be a successful artist you need to work really hard, don’t give up. There are always going to be people who hate your work.

q)Favourite books/authors?

a)My favourite author is Chuck Palahniuk and my favourite book by him is “Choke”.

q)Favourite music?

a)I listen to a lot of punk rock and indie music

q)What do you fear most?

a)Oddly enough I have a fear of death, I guess that’s why my paintings are about the darker side of life.

q) Your contacts…

a)People can check out my website at and can e-mail at for any purchase info.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Interview with Robert Flynt

q)Tell me something about yourself….What’s your background…?

a)I’m a spoiled white boy from New England, who always wanted to be an artist and more or less ended up as one. I was lucky enough to study painting, printmaking and drawing in Rome in the 70s – it made me a hopeless Italophile and thawed out a good amount of frosty Puritanism.

q)When growing what was the greatest force pushing you towards art?

a)It always seemed the most fun and chanllenging thing to do, and it often got me out of playing sports, which I hated. It also justified compulsive voyeurism.
q)Were you inspired/encouraged by any one person to pursue your craft?

a)Various teachers as early as grade school encouraged my precocious/pretentious obsession. My grandfather and an uncle were variously skilled amateur painters, and my father was a dedicated photographer.

q)How would you describe your art to someone who could not see it?

a)Metaphoric photographic figure-based images with a heavy dose of homoeroticism.

q)Are certains colours,shapes that you’re drawn to?

a)Colors: muted. Shapes: sensual.

q)What other talent would you like most to have?

a)Anything related to music.

q)What’s your favourite mediums to work in/on?

a)Photography – often in collaboration with dancers/performers. Collage, Installation.

q)What artists influence or have influenced you(these need not be visual artists)and how have they done so?

a)Piero della Francesca, Balthus, Derain, Munch, Brecht, E.M. Forster, Berlioz, Weill, Purcell, Hockney, Chekhov, Ibsen, Bergman, Genet, Resnais, Billie Holiday, Cole Porter, Morandi, Leland Bell, F.Holland Day, George Platt Lynes, Hannah Hoch, Moholy-Nagy, Eisenstein, Murnau, anonymous Etruscans, Copts, and vernacular photographers the world over. Not necessarily in this order and not only these – but some of whom first come to mind. And I deliberately excluded many who are still alive. They have each done so in their own particular way – but mostly by just having done their work.

q)What non-visual art interest you and does this have an impact on your art?

a)All. Yes.

q)What do you think about artists using the Internet as a forum for sharing their work?

a)A very mixed blessing. It does make it easy to show people far and wide a flicker of an idea of what work looks like – but the increasing amount of time the virtual world takes away from the “real” is deeply problematic. Not to mention what it is doing/has done to our sense of tactility, suspense, and imagination.

q)What is your favourite toy,game or other artefact from your youth(and do you still own it)?

a)Probably my first big box of crayons. Long gone.

q)Got any new projects planned?

a)Not in such a concrete sense: the work tends to pull me along behind it. But there are some collaborative projects with performers in the development stage that I don’t yet know enough about to elaborate.

q)What advice can you give to other artists to help them improve their chances of survival in this global village we call our home?

a)Get yourself born in or marry(in any sense) into a relatively rich, supportive family.

q)Favourite books/authors?

a)See the massive list of artists above. Plus all the living writers whose books have been or are next to my bed.

q)Favourite music?

a)Idiosynchratic vocalists, usually singing in languages other than English.

q)What do you fear most?

a)Fear itself

q) Your contacts…


Monday, 16 April 2007

Interview with AlbertFoolmoon

q) Que vous me dire sur vous... sur votre passé… ?

a)Etudes poussées dans la littérature, je n'ai fondé Les Éditions du Lézard Actif qu'en 2004. J'ai toujours dessiné. J'aime
l'uchronie, l'étrange, le soleil, les chats, la bière brune, les histoires de Zombis, faire pousser des graines.

q) En grandissant, quelle a été la plus grande force qui vous a poussé vers l'art ?

a)Ma plus grande force est d'avoir été refusé dans les écoles d'art, cela m'a rendu libre, je ne suis pas influencé.

q) Avez-vous été inspiré/encouragé par une personne pour poursuivre votre métier ?

a)Je suis encouragé par ma compagne, par moi-même, par les gens qui aiment ce que je fais. Mais surtout il faut se plaire
à soi-même, il y a forcément dans le monde, quelqu'un d'autre qui aimera ce que l'on fait.

q) Comment décririez-vous votre art à quelqu'un qui ne pourrait pas le voir ?

a)Je dessine beaucoup de portraits, des décors réalistes mais avec une pointe de bizarrerie, j'essaie de rendre l'émotion
dans le dessin. L'absurde m'intéresse aussi.

q) Avez vous une préférence pour certaines couleurs ou certaines formes ?

a)Mes traits sont très fins, parfois des hachures, parfois un seul trait pur. J'utilise le plus souvent du noir et maintenant un
peu de couleurs. La couleur doit apporter un sens supplémentaire, ne pas faire qu'être jolie.

q) Quel autre talent souhaiteriez vous avoir le plus ?

a)Quand on aime l'Art, on pratique forcément d'autres disciplines. Les dessinateurs sont souvent de bons musiciens, ce qui
n'est pas forcément vrai à l'inverse. J'ai fait de la musique pendant longtemps, mais j'ai laissé tomber car je n'avais plus
de temps pour tout faire, j'écris aussi. Je pense que je dessine pour compenser le fait que je n'arrive pas à écrire.

q) Quels sont vos médiums préférés pour travailler ?

a)J'utilise plusieurs tailles de Rotring de 0,1 à 2 mm. Parfois un pinceau, j'ai beaucoup peint autrefois, maintenant le
pinceau me terrifie.

q) Quels artistes vous influencent ou vous ont influencé (ce ne sont pas obligatoirement des artistes
visuels) et qu’est-ce que cela apporte ?

a)J'accorde énormément d'importance à la littérature et à la musique. Si d'autres dessinateurs peuvent m'influencer, je ne
sais pas de quelle manière. J'aime Kubin, Goya pour les plus vieux. Une quantité de jeunes dessinateurs actuels comme
Isabelle Boinot ou Emmanuelle Pidoux, donc en fait des dessinatrices. Je dis toujours que je suis dessinateur, car je ne
me sens ni graphiste ni illustrateur.

q) Quel intérêt a pour vous l'”art non visuel” et celui-ci a-t-il un impact sur votre art ?

a)Les films de SF où tout va mal, la musique et la littérature, sinon je n'apprécie ni l'abstrait, ni les installation vidéos
basiques. L'art qui part du discours n'est pour moi que du discours.

q) Que pensez-vous des artistes utilisant l'Internet comme espace pour partager leur travail ?

a)Je ne "vis" que grâce à Internet, je n'aurais jamais "rencontré" autant de gens partageant la même envie, les mêmes
goûts. On peut se créer une communauté sans même jamais rencontrer les gens. Je n'ai pas spécialement de point
d'accroches avec les artistes de la ville dans laquelle je vis. J'ai découvert grâce à Internet des gens formidables.

q) Quel est votre jouet préféré, jeu ou tout autre artefact de votre jeunesse (et que néanmoins vous
possédez toujours) ?

a)Des tas. J'ai une étagère remplie de vieilles figurines de dessins animés des années 70. Passé le côté revival, c'est surtout

q) Avez vous des nouveaux projets prévus ?

a)Etre invité sur France Inter et dire du mal des gens. Sinon... cinq romans, quatre "livres graphiques", trois installationsexpositions..
mais je n'ai le temps d'en développer aucun entièrement, ils sont tous à l'état de larves et progressent
chacun à des rythmes réguliers, parfois je me concentre sur un seul et je le finis. Je fais des livres, j'en ai sorti six chez
les Éditions du Lézard Actif. Le livre est un médium de grande liberté. Comme je n'ai pas envie de vendre ma
production, je la multiplie et peux donc donner des duplications de mes dessins. J'ai la liberté d'expérimenter, de faire
des carnets de voyage, des gravures, de la photo, des monotypes. Je m'amuse.

q) Quels conseils pouvez-vous donner aux autres artistes pour les aider à améliorer leurs chances de
survie dans ce village global que nous appelons “notre maison” ?

a)Trouver un travail stable qui prend peu de temps pour ne pas se soucier des problèmes d'argent, se foutre de l'avis des
gens et travailler tout son temps libre pour soi. Ceux qui nous aiment nous trouvent toujours.

q) Livres/auteurs favoris ?

a)Je lis un ou deux livres par semaine. Jetez votre télé ! J'aime beaucoup Paul Auster du début, Hermann Hesse, les
auteurs russes comme Andreï Kourkov, beaucoup de bandes dessinées (pas les BD pour enfants) mais les nouveaux
auteurs réalistes français : Vanoli, de Crecy, l'auteur italien Gipi, ou par exemple Breccia.

q) Musique favorie ?

a)Sonic Youth forever !
Sinon j'écoute tout et son contraire. Tous les nouveaux artistes canadiens : Silver Mont Zion et en général tout le Label
Constellation, Architecture in Helsinki. Fiery Furnaces, Pink Floyd. Mais aussi le rock comme Shannon Wright, PJ
Harvey, ou NIN. J'ai des centaines d'albums chez moi et je vais à beaucoup de concerts.

q) Quelles sont vos plus grandes craintes ?

a)Le racisme grandissant, la montée de la pauvreté, et plus généralement le résultat des élections

q) Vos contacts…

a)Mon site :
Les Éditions du Lézard Actif :

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Interview with Claude Bolduc

q)Tell me something about yourself….What’s your background…?

a) I’m passionate by Human Being…in the sense of the Soul… and I’m looking for reach God through the intimacy of this soul …For myself… the way of the unsuspected ,unbearable and unknown “Feminitude” ( the sensuality-sexuality… moving into the permanent struggle between Eros and Thanatos ) is the only way to reach in rare and precious moments … the Thuth ( and feel a little bit… God).
For a large part, my background is coming from my strict catholic education. Especially by my maternal grandfather who was a sculptor (of religious subjects). He influences me very much. And my other major influence come from my paternal grandfather who was a trapper. He was,most of the time, living into the forest. He taught me the respect of life and also, an other way through Nature, to reach God…The inner result for me is a curious ,strange and active mixing between the right Reason and the irresistible appeal of the Instinct. The dog and the wolf are living together inside me…

q)When growing what was the greatest force pushing you towards art?

a)I start to paint one year before my divorce with my first wife… At this time (87) I had never paint and I began as an autodidact… pushing towing my art by an irresistible force …a need to express myself…The painter Arthur Villeneuve ( my first mentor) gave me the final impulsion for start to paint…

q)Were you inspired/encouraged by any one person to pursue your craft?

a) At the beginning nobody understood my reaction… I isolate myself in a little room in my house ( in Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada) …for paint . After a while The character of Arthur Villeneuve was an example for me and help me to pursue my craft.

q)How would you describe your art to someone who could not see it?

a)I paint description of my inner reactions… sensibility… with the help of unconscious for explain the conscious…

q)Are certains colours,shapes that you’re drawn to?

a)For represent unconscious, I like use different mixes of brown, red and yellow …also a bit of blue.

q)What other talent would you like most to have?

a)I would love to be a good musician; and also a good writer.

q)What’s your favourite mediums to work in/on?

a)Oil on canvas.

q)What artists influence or have influenced you(these need not be visual artists)and how have they done so?

a)Arthur Villeneuve inflences me by his incredible determination to paint . A lot of others masters of art impressed and have inflenced me at different levels : Frida Khalo, Jerome Bosch, Francis Bacon, Picasso, Dali, Van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Otto Dix, Bruegel, Chagall, Kokoschka…

q)What non-visual art interest you and does this have an impact on your art?

a)Music and literature… Literature has a real impact on my art. I like read a lot about Symbolism in all cultures… and I’m full of all these readings …

q)What do you think about artists using the Internet as a forum for sharing their work?

a)I think it’s a excellent way to promote art and learn about other artists and theirs works…

q)What is your favourite toy,game or other artefact from your youth(and do you still own it)?

a)My favourite child’s artefacts are connected to my 2 grandfathers… The self portrait’s sculpture of my maternal grandfather… and a picture of my paternal grandfather with a moose’s head on his shoulder…

q)Got any new projects planned?

a)I’m waiting for my artistic maturity’s period…

q)What advice can you give to other artists to help them improve their chances of survival in this global village we call our home?

a)Be yourself… find your own way… choose all the time the solitary journey…be suspicious as a wolf…starving but free…

q)Favourite books/authors?

a)Book : The Bible… Authors: Boris Vian… Daniel Pennac… Jacques Neirynck…and in cinema: Woody Allen…

q)Favourite music?

a) Jazz, Classic, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Chanson française ( Brassens, Brel) Richard Desjardins…

q)What do you fear most?

a)To be in jail for 20 years with a person without the sense of humour…

q) Your contacts…


Interview with Claude Bolduc

q)Tell me something about yourself….What’s your background…?

a) I’m passionate by Human Being…in the sense of the Soul… and I’m looking for reach God through the intimacy of this soul …For myself… the way of the unsuspected ,unbearable and unknown “Feminitude” ( the sensuality-sexuality… moving into the permanent struggle between Eros and Thanatos ) is the only way to reach in rare and precious moments … the Thuth ( and feel a little bit… God).
For a large part, my background is coming from my strict catholic education. Especially by my maternal grandfather who was a sculptor (of religious subjects). He influences me very much. And my other major influence come from my paternal grandfather who was a trapper. He was,most of the time, living into the forest. He taught me the respect of life and also, an other way through Nature, to reach God…The inner result for me is a curious ,strange and active mixing between the right Reason and the irresistible appeal of the Instinct. The dog and the wolf are living together inside me…

q)When growing what was the greatest force pushing you towards art?

a)I start to paint one year before my divorce with my first wife… At this time (87) I had never paint and I began as an autodidact… pushing towing my art by an irresistible force …a need to express myself…The painter Arthur Villeneuve ( my first mentor) gave me the final impulsion for start to paint…

q)Were you inspired/encouraged by any one person to pursue your craft?

a) At the beginning nobody understood my reaction… I isolate myself in a little room in my house ( in Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada) …for paint . After a while The character of Arthur Villeneuve was an example for me and help me to pursue my craft.

q)How would you describe your art to someone who could not see it?

a)I paint description of my inner reactions… sensibility… with the help of unconscious for explain the conscious…

q)Are certains colours,shapes that you’re drawn to?

a)For represent unconscious, I like use different mixes of brown, red and yellow …also a bit of blue.

q)What other talent would you like most to have?

a)I would love to be a good musician; and also a good writer.

q)What’s your favourite mediums to work in/on?

a)Oil on canvas.

q)What artists influence or have influenced you(these need not be visual artists)and how have they done so?

a)Arthur Villeneuve inflences me by his incredible determination to paint . A lot of others masters of art impressed and have inflenced me at different levels : Frida Khalo, Jerome Bosch, Francis Bacon, Picasso, Dali, Van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Otto Dix, Bruegel, Chagall, Kokoschka…

q)What non-visual art interest you and does this have an impact on your art?

a)Music and literature… Literature has a real impact on my art. I like read a lot about Symbolism in all cultures… and I’m full of all these readings …

q)What do you think about artists using the Internet as a forum for sharing their work?

a)I think it’s a excellent way to promote art and learn about other artists and theirs works…

q)What is your favourite toy,game or other artefact from your youth(and do you still own it)?

a)My favourite child’s artefacts are connected to my 2 grandfathers… The self portrait’s sculpture of my maternal grandfather… and a picture of my paternal grandfather with a moose’s head on his shoulder…

q)Got any new projects planned?

a)I’m waiting for my artistic maturity’s period…

q)What advice can you give to other artists to help them improve their chances of survival in this global village we call our home?

a)Be yourself… find your own way… choose all the time the solitary journey…be suspicious as a wolf…starving but free…

q)Favourite books/authors?

a)Book : The Bible… Authors: Boris Vian… Daniel Pennac… Jacques Neirynck…and in cinema: Woody Allen…

q)Favourite music?

a) Jazz, Classic, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Chanson française ( Brassens, Brel) Richard Desjardins…

q)What do you fear most?

a)To be in jail for 20 years with a person without the sense of humour…

q) Your contacts…


Thursday, 5 April 2007

Sekitani Norihiro

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Interview with Paul Chatem

q)Tell me something about yourself….What’s your background…?

a)I was born in 1974 in Bellvue, WA and currently live in Los Angeles,CA

q)When growing what was the greatest force pushing you towards art?

a) It seems like I've always drawn and painted. Most of the friends I had as a kid were the same way.
We were either hiking around the hills above our town, getting in trouble, or we were sitting around drawing pictures.

q)Were you inspired/encouraged by any one person to pursue your craft?

a) My best friend as a kid was way more talented than me and I always aspired to be as good as he was. He would give me advice and encouragement and made me understand that everybody developes thier talents at thier own pace, and that's OK. He was way beyond his years.

q)How would you describe your art to someone who could not see it?

a) My art is inspired by history and looks like it has been around for awhile. It's done in a cartoony style but has an aged texture to it that gives it an atmosphere of a bygone time.

q)Are certains colours,shapes that you’re drawn to?

a) I'm red and green color blind so I see color in a different way than other people. I seem to use a lot of yellows and browns more than anything else.

q)What other talent would you like most to have?

a) I wish I was a better writer. I read alot of books and wish I had the ability to put words together well enough to write a novel, or short stories at least.

q)What’s your favourite mediums to work in/on?

a) I usually work with acrylic paints on gessoed birch plywood. I also do a lot of ink drawings but I do those all with brushes too, not pens.

q)What artists influence or have influenced you(these need not be visual artists)and how have they done so?

a) I've mostly been influenced by comic book guys like Daniel Clowes, Jim Woodring and Al Colombia.
I also really like some newer painters like Camille Rose Garcia and Robert Hardgrave.
q)What non-visual art interest you and does this have an impact on your art?

a) I'm influenced by books I read more than anything. William S. Burroughs, John Fante, Dashille Hammett, Charles Bukowski as well as history and science books.

q)What do you think about artists using the Internet as a forum for sharing their work?
a) I stayed away from it for a long time, but now I realize how easy it is to converse with people all over the world and share your art with them. I think it is great. Of course, it will never take the place of seeing someones art in person.

q)What is your favourite toy,game or other artefact from your youth(and do you still own it)?

a) I have a really short term memory and don't remember any specific toy that I had as a kid. I don't have any of them any more.

q)Got any new projects planned?

a)I'm working on a two man show with Nathan Fox right now. It's going to open in July at CoproNason Gallery in Santa Monica, CA.

q)What advice can you give to other artists to help them improve their chances of survival in this global village we call our home?

a) You've got to work harder than the next guy. I work 12-15 hours a day. You also have to be willing to sell your stuff for a lot less money than you think it's worth.

q)Favourite books/authors?

a) Ask the Dusk by John Fante, Red Harvest by Dashille Hamett, and Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski are a few of my favorites.

q)Favourite music?

a) Tom Waits, Old Crow Medicine Show, Johnny Cash, and the Cramps.

q)What do you fear most?

a) Going Blind

q) Your contacts…
