Interview with Atle Østrem
q) Well, first of all please tell us a little about yourself.
a)My name is Atle Østrem, I am a 31 year old artist from
q)How would you describe your work?
a)Beauglyful – im constantly seeking the beautiful in something ugly, or vice versa, and find it very interesting in working on the borderline between beautiful and ugly.
I work mostly in painting and collage.
q) Did somebody encourage you to become an artist?
a)Not really. It is something i found on my own.
When i was a child i used to draw a lot, and my parents would always encourage me back then. But when i started painting graffiti as a teenager and they had to pick me up from the police station and such..they strongly encouraged me to stop doing it. Now they are back to supporting me.
q) What is your favorite medium?
a)I prefer working with acrylic paint, but lately I also find collaging very interesting.
q) Generally speaking, where do your ideas come from?
a)Life experiences, movies, music.
q) How long does it take to complete a piece?
a)That differs a lot. Some take a couple of hours and some take a couple of weeks or even months. I usually work on different pieces at the same time.
q) Who are your favorite artists…and who are some artists you are currently looking/listening to?
a)Phil Frost, Jean Michel Basquiat Bast, Steve Powers, Adams&Itso to name a few.
q) Are you represented by a gallery? Do you have any upcoming exhibits?
a)I sell art through several different galleries, but I represent myself. I will be a part of a art fair in February, and I am planning a DIY show with my friend, Norwegian stencil artist Pøbel. If everything goes as planned we will do it before summer 2012.
q) Do you have any 'studio rituals'? As in, do you listen to certain types of music while working? What helps to get you in the mood for working?
a)I listen a lot to music when i work. What kind of music depends on my mood. I also like to work in late evenings/night. Its quiet, dark outside and nobody is around to take away focus.
q) Do you have goals that you are trying to reach as an artist, what is your 'drive'? What would you like to accomplish in your 'profession'?
a)The main goal is always to make better art. Second goal is to take over the world.
q) When have you started using the internet and what role does this form of communication play for you, personally, for your art, and for your business?
a)I guess i started using the internet on a regular basis in the late nineties.
Internet is a great way to spread my art, to see other peoples art and to keep in touch with people i don’t see on a regular basis. A lot of my network is based online. Internet is perfect..the only bad thing is that i spend way too much time on it.
q) What do you obsess over?
a)Im not sure i obsess over anything. Obsession is a strong word.
q) Do you have prefered working hours? Do you pay attention to the time of the day or maybe specific lighting?
a)I usually get up from bed late, and it takes me a couple of hours before my body starts working. Like mentioned above, I prefer working late nights. Im creepin while you’re sleepin!
q) Do you do commissioned works?
a)I have done some commissioned works before. The most interesting one was in a isolation cell in a prison. I have also done some commissions for private collectors.
q) Any tips for emerging artists?
a)I am emerging myself. I should be getting tips, not giving them!
q)…Your contacts
a)my website: