Tuesday 13 March 2007

Interview with Lique Schoot

q) Introduce yourself first please?

a)I am Lique Schoot, a woman artist, aged 37.

q) Where do you live and work?

a)I live and work in Arnhem, a town in the east from the Netherlands. I have a studio in a former military barrack

q) How did you started? How have you realized you wanted to become an artist?

a)After my study in 1997, I decided to continue my way as an artist. I got money from the government, so I could develop myself as an artist and could work every day, with no money problems. After that period I got a grant, which is still my main income. Very luxurious

q) What materials do you use and why?

a)I work with oil paint, because of the technique I use, layer after layer. I like the paint because of the brightness of colours and the fact it stays wet for a long time on your pallet. For me it is the 'real' paint. I have tried to work with other paints, like acrylic, but I simply cannot work with it. It stays 'plastic'. Oil paint has a 'skin'.

q) Who is your biggest influence, both art and non-art related

a)Well, I don't know who my biggest influence is, but I like the great masters of paint, such as Vermeer, Rembrandt and of course Van Gogh. His work is really great, it contains everything good paintings must have: composition, colours,.... and the love and passion for the art, in his case it was for the painting..

q) How do you dream up with your wacky ideas? What is your creation process?

a)I see myself as a conceptual artist. I make a picture of myself every day. After working them on at my computer, they are the basis for my paintings. I like to work in series. The work goes about 'life' and goes along with life.

q) What haven’t you done yet that you definitely want to try someday?

a)Ai, I am thinking about a lot of things now, but most of them I like to keep for myself. Talking about art: making an interesting movie.

q) Are there any contemporary artists that you love?

a)Yes, the photography of Nan Goldin, the paintings of Gerhard Richter, the sculptures of Berlinde de Bruyckere and some more, but from these artists I bought a catalogue recently.

q) How long does it take for you to finish a piece?

a)It depends of the size, but a work sized 1 x 1 m: mostly some weeks and sometimes I finish a work a year later.

q) What music, if any, do you like to have on while you're working?

a)There is not one kind of music I like when I am working, it depends on the painting I am working at and in which stage it is. At a later stage, I prefer Tori Amos. At a earlier stage I like 'lounge' music, which is more neutral, but in both stages, it has to be very loud! (pour neighbours)

q) Do you do many art shows?

a)Yes, I think so, about eight a year, solo and group exhibitions.

q) Tell us about a recent dream you had.

a)I am not such a dreamer. I must have dreams, but cannot remember them afterwards. It doesn't interest me that much.

q) What are you doing when you are not creating?

a)Well, most of the time I am creating or doing things which are in some kind of way related to my work.
But of course, not always. I like movies very much, the ones of Tarkovski are brilliant. Movies can take me to another place, another world.
Having fun and discussions with friends and drinking port, is also okay!

q) Do you get emotionally attached to your work and do you miss your work when it is sold?

a)Yes, by some works I really get emotionally attached. Working on Self-Portraits can be very confrontating. The longer I am working with the subject now, the easier I can take distance of it.
Some works I sold, I really miss, so now when I have the feeling I like a work very much, I simply won't sell it.

q) What new projects or exhibits are in your future?

a)At the moment I am still working on the series of paintings from 1 x 1 m, all taken at my pillow. They are for an exhibition I have in April, called Seduction.
At H87, an alternative artspace, I am going to make an installation, called: Self-Portrait in 36 days.
In the beginning of July, I am going to do a project in Magdeburg (Germany), making 7 large paintings in black and white, every day one painting.
And further: I have sent some documentation to artspaces, but I have to wait for answers yet.

q) What is your favourite art related web site?

a)Well, I am not that much on internet, but some time ago, Awahito Abino, a webblogger asked permission for putting a painting from me on his site
http://travelinghost.blogspot.com/2007/01/lique-schoot.html I took a look at it, and I liked it very much, especially the pictures he put on 'Alice', his site looks like a virtual museum, really great. To find out about these sites, I have to look ofter on internet, but time is my biggest enemy .

q) What is the strangest thing you have ever seen?

a)Well, I don't know if it was the strangest thing, but the artwork 'shocks' me, the sculpture of Berlinde de Bruyckere, called 'Horse Jelle'. Like Kant would say: sublime

q) What is the strangest thing you have ever done?

a)I will keep this for myself.

q) any advice you can pass onto aspiring artists/designers?

a)To follow your own way and to develop a style which is totally yours. Having discipline and of course pleasure in what you are doing. Stay close to yourself and don't try to be fashionable.

q)your contacts….e-mail…links

a)I have a website you can look at:

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